Rights of Way Law and Practice May **FULL**

9.00 to 13.00 each day

Virtual by Microsoft Teams

Whatever your job in public rights of way and access, knowledge of the basics of the law and practice regarding the definitive map, modification and public path orders, maintenance and enforcement are essential. All modules are recommended for awareness across the board even if in a job focused on one or more aspects, as the consequences of acting in ignorance of wider implications can be costly.

This is a foundation level course aimed at officers in post for three to nine months.

Five Modules

  1. Legislative framework and Definitive Map history
  2. Modification Orders
  3. Public Path Orders
  4. Maintenance
  5. Enforcement and compliance

Attendance of individual modules can be accommodated but we strongly recommend that at this level, all modules are undertaken to ensure a complete foundation knowledge as even 'partial' roles such as enforcement officer or definitive map officer rely on awareness of the entire rights of way officer role (which comprises all of definitive map, its modification, changes to rights, maintenance and compliance).

Main topics

  • Duties, powers and responsibilities
  • Modification Orders and Public Path Orders
  • Maintenance duties and powers
  • Asserting and protecting the public right
  • Doing the best job you can with low resources
  • Enforcement duties and powers

Learning Outcomes

  • Clear understanding of the primary duties and powers
  • Awareness of the consequences of unlawful action
  • Knowledge of good practice
  • Appreciation of the complexity of the law and avoiding poor practice


A foundation course aimed at officers with three to nine months in a rights of way job. Material will be issued two weeks before the course and close familiarity with its content is strongly recommended to take full advantage of the course because the taught time focuses on practical application rather than repeating what is in the pre-course material.

The course is designed for new Rights of Way Officers, legal officers or solicitors, rangers or maintenance staff; or anyone needing a foundation to an area of work new to them, in which case they may be undertaking only one or two modules as appropriate to their new role.


Maria McLauchlan, Definitive Map Officer, Kent County Council
Richard Cuthbert, Definitive Map and Enforcement Team Leader, Hertfordshire County Council


£525 (non-member £660) plus VAT

Modules are one per day:

  1. Legislative framework and the history of the Definitive Map
  2. Modification Orders
  3. Public Path Orders
  4. Maintenance
  5. Enforcement and compliance

Attendance of individual modules can be accommodated but we strongly recommend that at this level, all modules are undertaken simply to ensure a complete foundation knowledge as even 'partial' roles such as enforcement officer rely on awareness of the entire rights of way officer role (which comprises all of definitive map, its modification, changes to rights, maintenance and compliance).

£115/module (non-member £145) plus VAT


Microsoft Teams is the software used for training which is available to anyone. Using the app is strongly recommended for full functionality as the web browser version may be missing some facilities, although full participation should be possible, use of some apps within Teams may be limited by participating organisation's protocols.


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