Camilla Rhodes
Birketts is a law firm with a respected national full rights of way service – including for agricultural issues, planning and development advice, public path diversion, creation and extinguishment orders, definitive map claims, village greens and common land.
Robin Carr
With over 30 years experience in this specialist field, Robin is one of the Country’s leading consultants working throughout England and Wales on all aspects of public rights of way - Fellow of IPROW, Award winning & Registered Expert Witness (Courts, Hearings and Inquiries), experienced Inquiry Advocate, Bar Council license to Instruct Counsel & fully insured. Insurance Company and Legal Aid work undertaken. Full details at:
01623 835798
Jonathan Cheal
Stephen Jenkinson
Over 26 years experience working across the UK. Key areas of expertise: training for ROW staff & LAFs; policy, priority & network development; management of dogs & their owners; visitor management; writing specialist publications.
08456 439435
Sarah Manchester
20 years experience in countryside management, specialising in rights of way and access for 15 years. Promotion; audits and surveys; project delivery; integration of access with wider objectives including planning and conservation.
New Forest
07887 867250
Brendon Lee
Hewitsons LLP is a national law firm with a specialist experience in planning and environmental law. They regularly act for landowners, developers and interest groups concerning issues arising from public rights of way, town and village greens and assets of community value. Brendon has previously worked in the Environment Law Teams at local highway authorities both in and outside London.
Cambridge, Northampton, London and Milton Keynes
01223 532757
Alison Williamson
Consultant since 1998 after leaving National Trust. Development planning & recreational impact assessment, Definitive Map/ Highways Act Orders, expert witness, access management/research. Operates nationwide. Fully insured.
Cirencester, Gloucestershire: Operates nationwide
01285 851850
Marcia Grice
Birketts is a law firm with a respected national rights of way service – including for agricultural issues, planning and development advice, public path diversion, creation and extinguishment orders, definitive map claims, village greens and common land. Marcia has worked in the industry since 2009 and joined Birketts from a highway authority in 2017. Email:
Paul Hopkins
Director of UK wide consultancy with 30 years experience. Diversion orders; modification orders, research into status, establishment of promoted routes, surveys; consultations and negotiations;
01974 282484
Eifion Jones
20 years experience in public rights of way and access management within local authority. Experience in promotion; audits and surveys; access project development and delivery, bid writing, public path orders, modification orders, strategic reports and documents.
Covering Wales (other than Ceredigion)
Jon Perks
A Rights of Way practitioner for over 20 years, offering services to communities, developers, land managers and local authorities. Considerable experience of project delivery, engaging with stakeholders, advice to planners and developers, and in resolving arising access issues.
07863 336 999
George Keeping
Archival research and training; Surveys; Modification Orders; Public Path Orders; ROWIP implementation; Local authority rights of way consultancy.
Market Harborough
07813 977513
Kath Windett
Cumbria based and covering northern England. Definitive Map – archive research, user evidence, applications and statements of case. Public Path order applications, stakeholder consultation, promoted routes, network and policy development. Over 30 years’ experience in rural and urban ROW and access in local government, national park and voluntary organisations.
Claire Goodman-Jones
National award winning consultants specialising in a range of services including diversions, modification orders, strategic reports, surveys, common land & village green casework, training.
Operating throughout England and Wales
01970 890491
Mike Taylor
Cheshire based senior rights of way practitioner. Consultancy experience in public path orders, National Trails, definitive map investigations and training.
Nantwich 07745 346513
John Lindsay
Experience in key areas: Public Path Orders, diversions, Modification Orders, Archive research, statement of case, stakeholder consultations, network surveys, strategic reports/documents, feasibility studies, and consultancy work/business support.
Telephone: 07738 431358
Carol Ramsden
Birketts is a law firm with a respected national rights of way service – for agricultural, planning and development advice, public path diversion, creation and extinguishment orders, definitive map claims, village greens and private access. Carol joined Birketts from a local planning authority in 2005 and is a Fellow and former Director of IPROW. In 2022 Carol was appointed to the national public rights of way Stakeholder Working Group, dealing with the implementation of pending public rights of way legislation and guidance.