The benefits of IPROW membership

Sharing knowledge and experience is at the heart of IPROW membership. So you can be sure that whatever problems you may come across you will have instant free access to the widest possible body of specialist knowledge and expertise.

This includes:

  • Forum. Post a question (anonymously, if you prefer) and the chances are someone else will have come across it before and be able to help. Or browse the previous posts; there are hundreds of topics with thousands of responses.
  • Resource Library. This growing collection of articles, knowledge and case notes on all aspects of rights of way work is compiled by IPROW members.
  • Direct notification of the latest changes in case law, legislation, regulations and Government advice, delivered straight to your inbox as they happen.
  • Regional 'in person' gatherings to view a site or discuss a specific topic, as well as providing for valuable networking.
  • Recognition of your professional standing among your colleagues, with elected members and at local public inquiries.
  • “Waymark”. The quarterly journal full of a broad range of articles, information and discussion.
  • Job Adverts. The latest job vacancies for which you can be notified as soon as they are posted.
  • A voice at the top table. IPROW sits on important national advisory groups and committees and is seen by Government as a key stakeholder and consultee regarding changes in legislaton or procedures.
  • Generous discounts on IPROW’s acclaimed specialist training courses.

If you have any questions about membership please contact

The types of IPROW membership

There are several types of membership, to suit all those working in the public rights of way sector.

Associate membership

Anyone in paid employment in rights of way or countryside access management can join as an Associate.  Associates have access to the same benefits as Full members and are strongly encouraged to take responsibility for their professional development to increase their competency and credentials. Associates can be assisted in gaining skills required to become Full members, thereby increasing their career potential.

Full membership

Full membership is open to those with extensive professional experience of rights of way or access management.  Applicants are likely to have at least five years full time equivalent experience in paid rights of way or countryside access management work.  As part of the application procedure you will be required to submit a recent relevant piece of work, or undertake a telephone conference call or produce a written paper on an approved topic. Full members who are consultants can have their contact information listed for free in the consultants directory.

Principal and Fellow membership

For those with more extensive experience, there are additional levels of membership. For more information about these please contact


From 1st April 2025 membership fees are £91 inc VAT per annum, due on 1st April each year. 

The membership fee is not required until your application has been accepted but an administration charge of £37 (inc VAT) (or £100 inc VAT in the case of an application for Principal or Fellow) is required on submission to contribute to the costs of processing your application.

New member fees are calculated pro rata for the remainder of the year of application.

(Members joining in the last months of 2024/25 year are enrolled into the 2025/26 year and granted free membership for the last quarter of 2024/25.)

“My membership more than paid for itself with just one phone call of expert advice.”

Carmel Wilkinson, Devon