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Managing visitors with dogs

'Managing visitors with dogs in your woodland' is published by the Forestry Commission and written for woodland, but the principles can be applied to walkers with dogs in all landscapes, UK-wide, so please do have a look and share to help make the outdoors a better place for people, wildlife and livestock.

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Ordnance Survey 'gym outdoors'

The Ordnance Survey has launched a campaign encouraging people to exercise outside in the fresh air. This follows a survey carried out by the OS on gym goers which revealed “half of adults are being put off exercising because of the judgemental culture in gyms.” Gym goers are also concerned about cost and have other bugbears related to the gym environment. The OS campaign seeks to offer alternative ideas for outdoor exercise which replicate gym workouts, with the added mental health benefits of being outside.

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Rail crossing MoU review survey

IPROW, ADEPT and Network Rail Memorandum of Understanding review

In April 2019, IPROW, ADEPT and Network Rail published a Memorandum of Understanding on public rights of way level crossings. That MoU is now being reviewed, to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

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New guidance on use of S.147

New guidance on use of S.147

IPROW has launched new procedural guidance for members on authorising and improving stiles, gates and other barriers on public paths under sections 147 and 147ZA of the Highways Act 1980. The information note advises members on how local authorities should respond to proposals for authorising new structures on agricultural land, and how to take forward upgrades to existing lawful structures (such as converting stiles to kissing gates).

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MoD art installation for public awareness

An art display of soldiers is the latest part of a public safety campaign to protect the public from harm and limit disruption to military training. This is important when MOD land has public access but “can go from calm to combat at a moment’s notice”. Read more …

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Defra on ROW Reform: timetable update

Defra on ROW reform: Timetable update

This information is in the public domain and can be shared freely.

From Paul Davison, Defra Lead:

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Defra on ROW reform: timetable update

Defra on ROW reform: Timetable update

This information is in the public domain and can be shared freely.

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Dog walking on Forestry Commission land

From Forestry Commission:

Dog walking in your woodlands – help us develop better guidance and support by telling us about your experiences

The Forestry Commission is developing guidance for managing dogs in woodlands in England, we have developed a short survey as a way to collect your thoughts on a range of issues that affect landowners and visitors alike, we'd greatly appreciate your time and input on this survey.

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Defra on ROW reform programme

Defra on ROW reform programme

From Paul Ballinger, Defra, ROW Reform team

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The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill is at the report stage within the House of Commons. A second sitting scheduled for 28 November has been postponed due to opposition from MPs regarding a clause making housing targets advisory rather than mandatory, and others who consider the targets unrealistic and draconian.

Key tabled amendments include:

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Defra's Woodland Access Improvement Plan

DEFRA and the Forestry Commission are currently working towards publishing  ambitions for woodland access. Following engagement with stakeholders priorities are being reviewed with a view to identifying the policy, guidance, and behavioural changes needed to improve access to new and existing woodlands.

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Increased penalty for obstruction

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 came into force 22 May and increased the penalty for obstruction of the highway to include a prison sentence not exceeding 51 weeks. The increase of penalty was government's response to obstruction of the highway by protestors, but insertion in Section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 extends the penalty to obstruction of any public right of way.

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Sending Orders to Ordnance Survey

Sending Orders to Ordnance Survey

All legal events and modification orders should be sent to Ordnance Survey, including orders confirmed by the Planning Inspectorate.

Confirmed orders should be sent to Please check that this is in use by all departments (and districts) responsible for sending orders.

If you have been sending to, that has been forwarding but please update to in case it is dropped.

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IPROW Launches New Website

Welcome to the new IPROW website. We hope all members will find this provides a more user friendly and modern experience.

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ADEPT & IPROW publish second survey on public rights of way

The Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT), has published the results of its second survey on the impact of Covid-19 on public rights of way.
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Environmental Impact Assessment: Appraising Access

There are already guides to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, but what has been unavailable until now (2020) is a specific guide to how public rights of way or wider outdoor access resources should be assessed.
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