Network Rail Memorandum of Understanding

Over several years, representatives of IPROW and ADEPT have worked with Network Rail to achieve a memorandum of understanding for level crossings and public rights of way.
Stopping Up and Diversions (HA)
Level Crossings

Network Rail webinar Apr-May 2023

A webinar was repeated three times in April-May 2023, which discussed the work between IPROW, ADEPT and Network Rail on good practice for level crossings, working on balancing the safety case for the railway with needs of rights of way users. It built on previous work which produced the Memorandum of Understanding and Guidance for good practice.

Download link below is Network Rail's safety case slides.

Level Crossings

Network Rail Webinar 0423 introduction

A webinar was repeated three times in April-May 2023, which discussed the work between IPROW, ADEPT and Network Rail on good practice for level crossings, working on balancing the safety case for the railway with needs of rights of way users.

This item is slides from the introduction and summary.

Level Crossings

Network Rail Webinar 0423 example 2

Webinars in April-May 2023 built on work between IPROW, ADEPT and Network Rail regarding good practice for level crossings, working on balancing the safety case for the railway with needs of rights of way users.

This item is slides relating to a case example from Shropshire discussed in the first of the webinars (three repeats with minor differences).

Level Crossings

Network Rail Webinar 0423 example 1

Webinars in April-May 2023 built on work between IPROW, ADEPT and Network Rail regarding good practice for level crossings, working on balancing the safety case for the railway with needs of rights of way users.

This item is slides relating to a case example from Hertfordshire discussed in the first of the webinars (three repeats with minor differences).

Level Crossings

Network Rail Infrastructure v SSEFRA and Eden District Council and Story Homes 2017

R (on the application of Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd.) v SSEFRA and Eden District Council and Story Homes [2017] EWHC 2259

Commonly known as 'the Appleby case' in Eden, Cumbria considering whether a planning condition prevented a stopping up order being confirmed. The route was a public footpath crossing the railway by a level crossing and affected by a new development which would potentially increase traffic on the footpath.

See also Court of Appeal decision.

Level Crossings
Case Law

Network Rail Infrastructure v SSEFRA 2018 Court of Appeal

R. (on the application of Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd.) v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Case No: C1/2017/2665 Court of Appeal (Civil Division) 21 September 2018 [2018] EWCA Civ 2069

Commonly known as 'the Appleby case' in Eden, Cumbria considering whether a planning condition prevented a stopping up order being confirmed. The route was a public footpath crossing the railway by a level crossing and affected by a new development which would potentially increase traffic on the footpath.

Level Crossings
Case Law

Guidance rail crossing orders IPROW-NR-ADEPT

IPROW and ADEPT have been working with Network Rail for some years to improve communication and awareness of local authorities' duties regarding protecting public rights and Network Rail's duty to ensure operational safety of rail transport. The Memorandum of Understanding agreed in 2019 has been joined by Guidance for Highways Act 1980 Section 118A and 119A level crossing orders ('Download' link below).

Level Crossings