Please complete this form to book one of our scheduled training courses.


Are you an IPROW member?
Select the training event you wish to book
£525 (non-member £660) plus VAT
£525 (non-member £660) plus VAT
£525 (non-member £660) plus VAT
£393 (non-members £523) plus VAT
£295 (non-members £399) plus VAT
Which Law and Practice modules do you wish to book?
e.g. you have been undertaken maintenance for years but know little of the legal side
How will the course fee be paid?
Invoice requires purchase order number for payment
No purchase order required, payment by procurement card. Please check that payment is authorised before selecting.
If selecting this as a council or large business, you may be asked to confirm that payment will be made without further authorisation quoted on the invoice.

If your organisation requires a purchase order to be cited on the invoice please upload the purchase order, if available.
If a purchase order is not available but you have a number, please note it below, or enter To Follow if you are waiting for it.
Do not delay booking if a PO is not yet available.

Upload requirements

Do not delay booking if you do not yet have a PO, enter To Follow below.