Development of a person in their chosen field is as important in public rights of way and access as in any other profession. IPROW members are required to maintain a log of their continuing professional development and awareness of their learning, commonly 'on the job' as it is a field where there is something new coming along all the time, whether because of change to law or simply that it's less frequent so practitioners may not have encountered it before. Those more unusual situations are where IPROW membership is of great value in providing a forum of others from who to seek opinions or experience. It is also of value because there are many situations where there is no one answer so discussion options and best fit can also be very helpful.

Awareness of continued learning is important in career progression or applying for other jobs and IPROW strongly encourages members to be aware of and to log their development ready for such occasions.

Formal events are available through the year, from free one hour webinars to one or multiple day courses at large discount. A conference, the Annual Update, fulfils its name to provide news on recent case law, changes in regulations or other law, case studies, innovations and general inspiration which is much acclaimed by members.