The Ordnance Survey has launched a campaign encouraging people to exercise outside in the fresh air. This follows a survey carried out by the OS on gym goers which revealed “half of adults are being put off exercising because of the judgemental culture in gyms.” Gym goers are also concerned about cost and have other bugbears related to the gym environment. The OS campaign seeks to offer alternative ideas for outdoor exercise which replicate gym workouts, with the added mental health benefits of being outside.

The campaign includes free trials of OS Maps app and exercise tips from OS Champions. The app includes hundreds of thousands of routes for walking, running and cycling [and riding]. Nick Giles, OS's Managing Director for Leisure said:

Outdoor exercise offers so much more than indoor gyms can. It’s not just about physical fitness – it’s about the freedom to explore, connecting with nature and the boost that brings to your mental health.
Plus the outdoors is everywhere and it doesn’t have opening and closing times – you only have to leave your doorstep and you’re in it.
With many finding the outdoors more inspiring to be in, 2025 could be a great year to swap weights for walks.

More details on Our gym is better than yours | OS